Wednesday, August 02, 2006


If I could go back in time and change one thing...well, I don't know what I'd change, I'll have to think about it. Maybe change isn't good because in movies and in books when the past is altered the world is worse than what it was. Many believe all things happen for a reason and most of the time I am one of those people. Most of the time. Watching the news can make a person wonder why all of the bad things that happen could possibly be necessary. Being someone that believes in God, there are many times I want to ask him, why? I guess I'll have to wait until I meet him to get an answer. A real answer. I thought maybe, I would go back and change when Eve ate the apple, that way the knowledge of good and evil would not have been spread to all mankind. Then I thought maybe her doing that was more good than bad. At least now we have the capability to decide things for ourselves and that's not a bad thing. It's what we do with those decisions that kills us. A mind of our own, it's what made us all different from one another. I guess I could never just choose one thing to change, I would have to change a lot of things like: 9/11, The Holocaust, Genocide, every major natural disaster, the deaths of loved ones, Glitter (some comic relief), and the extinction of certain animals and plants. It's not possible but it's a thought.