Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Just Wondering

Sometimes I wonder what my life will be like when I'm 30. I have high expectations for myself and I want to know if I actually am going to meet them. My entire life my parents have told me that I am going to be amazing and I hope to god they are right. I wonder what my house is going to look like or even if I will have a house, maybe it will be an apartment, or maybe it will be a cardboard box in front of Wal-Mart. That's why I'm not so keen on the future, because I can't see it yet and that's frustrating for a person like me. I'm the type that needs to know everything and when I don't it eats at me until I do. It gets real old real quick. Worst case senario I don't even make it to 30 and that's the reason why I'm having such a hard time picturing it. But hey, lets not be so pessimistic, I'm only 18 after all. What I'm going to say next is completely predictable but I'm going to say it anyway: I just hope I'm happy. Yeah, and that I have an awesome place to live and my dream job. No cardboard box thank you.