Sunday, June 11, 2006

I Am An Old Soul

History has always been important to me and I have a great amount of respect for the past. Maybe I dwell but I often think that the past is more important than the future because it has happened and cannot be changed and the future is uncertain because its just that, the future. The future is built on the past and would not exist without it. I believe we owe it to the people of the past to remember what happened and learn from it. So mistakes won't be made over and over and heroism isn't lost. I often think I was born too late almost, I guess, like Miniver Cheevey, but I don't plan to take up drinking. My mother says she thinks I was born 35 and that I am an old soul. Maybe she's right but what is an old soul exactly? Is it someone who has lived life a few times and is bored and misses things without knowing why? Or is it someone misplaced and in the wrong time? I wish I knew the answer to these questions! Maybe then I could explain my love for Frank Sinatra, Hitchcock movies, and old Cadillacs. I feel like I completely missed things I was supposed to live through. Or if looked at another way I did live through those things and wish I was back where I belong. I doubt I'll ever really know.


Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.