Okay here's my rant: When someone doesn't know the pledge of allegiance or who the first President was they are officially stupid and I hate that. Late night shows poke fun and people laugh at those who think the Vice President is Bob Dole and that Prince Charles is the British Prime Minister. I think it is sad. Come on how hard is it to watch CNN every now and then? I don't know if my expectations for the American public are too high or if too many people are more worried about value meals than current events. My advice for these people is to just watch the news for crying out loud and learn something, so if by any chance the opportunity to answer a question on TV arises it can be answered with little to no national embarassment. For the record the first President was George Washington, the Vice President is Dick Cheney, and Tony Blair is the British Prime Minister. The Pledge of Allegiance is a given and if an American Citizen doesn't know it they have major problems. Thanks for reading my complaint and don't be one of these people.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
I Give It A Ten
I just had my graduation party this past Saturday. I was actually pleasantly surprised at the amount of people that showed up. My mom and dad rented me this great hall, that is air conditioned which went over really well, because my father says Italian's don't like to sweat and he would know. Everyone thought it was a great party and they loved the food. Friends that came said they had never seen Italian food at a graduation party before. I live in a town where everyone is all about fried chicken and potato salad. Which is fine but I must say I prefer pasta. The hall was beautiful it had 4 giant chandeliers, archways, and Roman inspired columns. Plus, like I said, it was air conditioned. My mom and I did center pieces for 18 tables and they were really cool. We poured sea glass and clear marbles over tuel and put candles in the center. By the end of the night the little kids were building towers out of them. My mom actually bought so much stuff the lady at the check out line at the store thought I was getting married. Not hardly! Mom said when I do it's going to be ridiculous. I know it seems like I'm spoiled but I didn't ask for any of this, my parents just did it. They told me I was worth it because I am the first one in my family to go to college and because they are very proud of me. My mom gave a great speech and cried. I felt like I had just won the Nobel Peace Prize and all I did was graduate from high school. My parents are awesome (most of the time). I got a ton of cards and ended up banking quite a bit of money. The money is great, I'm not going to lie, but I was really happy that people showed up. I told my mom that I couldn't believe all these people liked me but she busted my bubble by saying she threated them bodily harm if they didn't show up. Just let me have my delusions for goddsakes! Every single one of the 18 tables was full and they each sat six, so because of that and the fact my mom was kidding about that whole bodily harm thing, I deem the party a success.
Posted by
11:58 PM
Friday, June 16, 2006
An Irish Guy Walks Into A Bar
A few weeks ago I went out to eat at the Olive Garden with a group of friends. Well, my great grandmother was born in Italy and her maiden name ended in an "O" so obviously I'm Italian. Boy did the, "Hey Nicci's Italian," jokes fly that night. I'm also Irish so if we ever go to O'Charley's I am so screwed. Ethnic jokes are completely about stereotypes and to be honest that's why they are funny. Everyone "gets" the stereotype. HaHa Irish people drink a lot. HaHa Mexican people can run fast. HaHa every Italian has a big nose and is in the mob. Don't get me wrong the jokes don't bother me and I know my friends mean no harm. They have never crossed the line and called me a racially derogatory name or anything like that (nor would I ever say anything like that to them). Plus I can take it but I can also dish it out. My best friend is Mexican (so if we ever go to Taco Bell she's going to get some serious payback for the Olive Garden mark my words) anyway she's Mexican and she's short so I call her the Wee Mexican. Now don't get insulted she calls me the Wee Italian so it's all good. It's all among friends all among friends. I think that as long as people don't get insulting or seriously disrespectful it's fine but at least make sure it's a mutual feeling and a good friend. Racism is a horrible thing.
Posted by
1:20 AM
Thursday, June 15, 2006
One In The Morning
Sometimes I can't sleep. Before I would just watch TV or stare at the ceiling now I feel like I'm doing something productive. I'm typing and school's out for the summer. I'm getting ready to start college and I'm excited. That might be one of the reasons I can't sleep. I have so many thoughts racing through my head I don't know how to sort them all out. One night I even wrote a poem about the reason Why I'm Awake. I have that poem posted by the way. I have always been a night owl so to speak. I am one of those people who feels more awake at midnight then at noon. I don't know how I am going to cope with this when I'm older and have a job and obligations that have to be done in the daylight. The careers I want to pursue don't really have a third shift and if they did it would probably be the bottom of the barrel crap nobody wants to deal with. I guess I'm just going to have to get over this whole thing but it's easier said than done. If it were easy I would have done it by now obviously. But for now I'm just going stay the way I am it is summer after all and I am a teenager which means I'm supposed to sleep late. My father doesn't agree but he doesn't get home from work until 1 pm anyway. Eventually I'm going to get caught and he's going to do his whole, "You're going to sleep your life away!" speech followed by the famous, "You're going to wake up one day and be 35!" rant. Well at least I'll be well rested.
Posted by
1:16 AM
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Who You Are Today
Clock ticking my patience away
Waiting to see who you are today
You're not the person you promised to be
I was giving you time for reality
But you took too long
Now everything is all wrong
You wasted the fact you were forgiven
And spent it all on the bad side of living
Just another thing used another thing failed
Followed the wrong tracks just to be derailed
All because of your stupidity
You put a whole in me
So many times something could have been done
That's a battle lost a war never won
There is no more fighting left to do
This happened because of you
You're hearing this in your mind
Tangled it's impossible to unwind
Where were you before all of this
It was important enough for you to miss
Just another thing used another thing failed
Followed the wrong tracks just to be derailed
All because of your stupidity
You put a hole in me
Too easy to be real
Just worried about how you feel
I'll be different now I swear
That's what you said but you don't care
Only changing when it benefits you
Then it's back to doing what you do
Clock ticking my patience away
Waiting to see who you are today
Copyright © 2008 By Nicci
All of my poems/songs are really copyrighted so DO NOT steal them I will find you.
Posted by
4:01 PM
Just Wondering
Sometimes I wonder what my life will be like when I'm 30. I have high expectations for myself and I want to know if I actually am going to meet them. My entire life my parents have told me that I am going to be amazing and I hope to god they are right. I wonder what my house is going to look like or even if I will have a house, maybe it will be an apartment, or maybe it will be a cardboard box in front of Wal-Mart. That's why I'm not so keen on the future, because I can't see it yet and that's frustrating for a person like me. I'm the type that needs to know everything and when I don't it eats at me until I do. It gets real old real quick. Worst case senario I don't even make it to 30 and that's the reason why I'm having such a hard time picturing it. But hey, lets not be so pessimistic, I'm only 18 after all. What I'm going to say next is completely predictable but I'm going to say it anyway: I just hope I'm happy. Yeah, and that I have an awesome place to live and my dream job. No cardboard box thank you.
Posted by
12:24 AM
Monday, June 12, 2006
Why I'm Awake
Restless thoughts take over my mind
A conclusion so far away is impossible to find
Memories in danger of being misplaced
Things I can never let be erased
I toss and turn I can't sleep at night
Blinded by the glow of an orange street light
So many things to do not enough time
Take a deep breath you will be fine
I tell myself I am well prepared
I have no reason to be this scared
I'm strong I can take all they can give
I just want to choose the right life to live
I want to do something that causes a change
Doesn't matter what nothing is out of my range
The sun will be up very soon
It's okay I can sleep until noon
I'll be here tomorrow same time same place
With even more obstacles to face
Copyright © 2008 By Nicci
All of my poems/songs are really copyrighted so DO NOT steal them I will find you.
Posted by
10:15 PM
I can see in your face you are wasting away
You get smaller inside with each passing day
Your house is full of words but none you want to hear
Becoming like them is your one biggest fear
The silence is louder there's always something wrong
You made a mistake you gave up where you belong
I wanted to help and you wanted to be free
But you took advantage and then betrayed me
I tried my best to ease your pain
But you can't function unless things are insane
You caused problems and disrupted my life
You told lies that cut my trust like a knife
I see the disgust in your eyes
You're becoming a person you hate you despise
I can see the streams of the tears you've cried
But I don't care because I've already tried
You find help then don't know what to do
I'm finished I've already rid myself of you
You try to hang on like a parasite
In the end you lose the fight
Copyright © 2008 By Nicci
All of my poems/songs are really copyrighted so DO NOT steal them I will find you.
Posted by
9:46 PM
Sunday, June 11, 2006
I Am An Old Soul
History has always been important to me and I have a great amount of respect for the past. Maybe I dwell but I often think that the past is more important than the future because it has happened and cannot be changed and the future is uncertain because its just that, the future. The future is built on the past and would not exist without it. I believe we owe it to the people of the past to remember what happened and learn from it. So mistakes won't be made over and over and heroism isn't lost. I often think I was born too late almost, I guess, like Miniver Cheevey, but I don't plan to take up drinking. My mother says she thinks I was born 35 and that I am an old soul. Maybe she's right but what is an old soul exactly? Is it someone who has lived life a few times and is bored and misses things without knowing why? Or is it someone misplaced and in the wrong time? I wish I knew the answer to these questions! Maybe then I could explain my love for Frank Sinatra, Hitchcock movies, and old Cadillacs. I feel like I completely missed things I was supposed to live through. Or if looked at another way I did live through those things and wish I was back where I belong. I doubt I'll ever really know.
Posted by
10:57 PM