Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My computer has a virus, or something. To be honest no one is really sure what is going on with it exactly. I really just want it to be fixed but the Geek Squad charges 200 bucks. They tell me this after the girl says that viruses are extremely easy to get rid of. If they are so easy to get rid of then why does it cost so much for your services? Answer me that. Anyway, I can still use my computer but I'm paranoid that I'm going to get my identity stolen or something. I'm sitting outside of my geology class now. I should be studying for the final on climate but alas I'm not because I'm ranting on here.
Posted by
12:50 PM
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I Want You to Curve the Bullet.
I was watching Wanted, and it got me thinking: if I could have a special ability or even a power what would I want it to be? I always thought I would like to be invisible, but I think invisibility might be overrated, not to mention it's only ONE ability, like being able to fly. I think I would like to be a shapeshifter more than anything else. The ability to turn into anything I want kind of trumps the whole invisibility thing, because in a way, if you can turn into anything to blend in, you are invisible. Not to mention if I wanted to fly, I could just turn into something that does ergo a bird. Another power I would like to have is being able to walk through things like Kitty Pride in X-Men. There is one power I would not want and that's being able to see the future. I worry enough as it is, I don't need to see what's coming on top of it. Not to mention it takes the mystery out of life which is what's part of making it worth living. Oh, and the whole curving a bullet thing, that would be awesome too.
Posted by
10:16 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Writing Again.
As the title so obviously puts it, I'm writing again. For those of you that don't know I'm trying to complete my book that I've been working on since I was 16. And no, I haven't been writing it for 5 years straight. I can't get it to come out the way I want it to so I'll write a few chapters and then delete them and start over. The other day I decided I'm just going to write until I can't write anymore, and that I'm going to suppress the urge to hit the backspace button. The past few days I've been on a roll. I've turned out 26 pages and have no intention of slowing down. My goal is to have everything completed by March if not sooner. When I hit the 80,000 word mark I'm going to have a little party in my head. If and when I get it finished I've decided the first publisher I'm going to hit up is Penguin. Hopefully they like it, if they don't I'll try someplace else. But like I said I actually have to have a finished product for it to get published. So here's to hoping.
Posted by
3:53 PM
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Dream When You're Feeling Blue.
This is my favorite song, ever.
Dream, when you're feeling blue
Dream, that's the thing to do
Just watch the smoke rings rise in the air
You'll find your share of memories there
So dream when the day is through
Dream, and they might come true
Things never are as bad as they seem
So dream, dream, dream
Dream when the day is through
Dream, and they might come true
Things never are as bad as they seem
So dream, dream, dream dream
Things never are as bad as they seem
So dream, dream, dream
-Written by Johnny Mercer and Performed by Frank Sinatra
CD=The Magic of Old Blue Eyes.
Posted by
11:16 PM
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
something I have to say.
It is now 11:58 pm and everyone the world in the world knows that America has just elected it's first African-American President. So for the record...
Congratulations Senator Obama. Although I did not vote for you and can't even really claim to like you, since you will be the Commander-in-Chief as of January 20, 2009 I am inclined to respect you. I have this to say, I hope that you take your job seriously, I hope that you do all of the things you promised, and I hope with every bit of my heart that you do not lead astray American Democracy. You made history, do not take it lightly.
As for Senator McCain. Sir, I believe you are a true American hero and it saddens me that you will not hold the office you so rightfully deserve. I believe you would have done great things for this country by holding its highest positon, but I also believe you have made a positive mark on America as a whole that will never be forgotten. Thank you Senator McCain and I wish you all the best. You will always be my choice for President.
And America, I'm thankful for this election having such a high voter turnout. Whether it went my way or not, it was something to be proud of.
p.s. I'm still a Republican ;)
Posted by
9:18 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
21 and some Change.
I turned 21 this past Saturday and I didn't drink. That's right, I still haven't drank anything even though I'm 21 years old. Talk amongst yourselves.
Posted by
4:12 PM
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
It's Been Awhile.
Not much going on, that's why there haven't been many posts lately. I went and saw my school's theatre department production "Of Mice & Men". I was very impressed with it. The strange thing is that I wouldn't have gotten to go if I hadn't just so happened across a ticket lying on the sidewalk. I feel kind of guilty that my good fortune was the result of someone else having misfortune. I opened up an account at Blockbuster so I can rent all the videos that my store doesn't carry. I rode a public transportation bus for the first time yesterday. It was a milestone in my life, haha. Speaking of milestones, my 21st birthday is this coming Saturday and I'm not the least bit excited about it. I should be, but it's hard to when I don't think much is going to happen and I'm starting to feel old. Anyway, the next time you hear from me I'll more than likely be a legal adult in every way, shape, and form. Yay me.
Posted by
7:27 PM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
It's September 11th. Take some time out of your day to pay respects to the heroes and the people who lost their lives.
Posted by
10:02 PM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The First Week of My Junior Year.
So far everything is going pretty well here at school. I moved in on Saturday the 23rd and started class on Monday. All my professors are pretty great, but the course load that I have is going to take a lot of work. I knew that going into it, but it's different when you're actually doing it and not just speculating about it over the summer. My floor is way more social than it has been in the past, which is a big improvement from the antisocial grouches that were here last semester. All in all I have a positive outlook for this semester, even if it is going to be riddled with papers and research. I'm a history major I kind of saw that coming.
Quote from Dr. Reynolds: "Don't mess with historians, they have time on their hands."
Posted by
7:44 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
They say that when you're terrified, you show your true colors and who you really are. In my 20, almost 21 years on this planet I can honestly say I've never been terrified. I've been afraid of course, who hasn't? It's a basic human emotion, fear. This may sound twisted, but I actually sort of want to be scared out of my mind, because I want to find out who I really am. I would like to believe I'm brave, that I can handle anything thrown at me with grace and dignity, that I wouldn't run and leave other people in the same situation in my cowardly wake. But the truth is I really don't know myself that way, because I've never had the opportunity to find out. We as people tend to believe what we want to about ourselves, and give ourselves qualities that in reality we do not possess, but in our defense some of us don't know we're doing that. We've just never had the chance to prove otherwise. If the day comes, and I get this crazy wish of mine granted, I hope I find out I'm the person I think I am, and that if I'm faced with a horrifying situation I can handle it, even though I'd be more afraid than I've even been in my entire life. I hope that if there are others involved (and I pray to god with everything I have there isn't because I would never wish this on another person) that I would want to help them, and not run. In my heart of hearts I believe I wouldn't run, but like I said in this case believing doesn't mean anything. In all honesty I should probably knock on wood, and be careful what I wish for, but if fate has this in store for me, then fate wins.
Posted by
1:45 AM
Monday, August 11, 2008
Live & Let Live.
I move back into my dorm on the 23 and I can't wait. I feel like I'm getting my life back finally. This has been the summer without end. I love being at home, and being with my family, but I'm not used to having this much time on my hands. My favorite part of the summer was getting to work more hours at the video store. It's a job that I've had since I was 16 and I'll be 21 in October. So needless to say I've been there for awhile and I get along and really like everyone I work with. I get to stay on the schedule for the weekends through the school year and I'm pretty jazzed about that. Yeah, I know, strange girl that likes to work, but I do. But I'm very happy to be going back to school. Hopefully this semester will be as good as I hope.
Posted by
4:04 PM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
It's 5:37 in the morning and I'm still awake. This insomnia is starting to take it's toll on me. I would post something of more substance, but I just don't have the energy. I wish I could sleep.
Posted by
5:37 AM
Monday, July 28, 2008
Another new layout. I happened across it and thought it was amazing so here it is. I hope you like it. Also I have a new tag board. You don't have to type in your name you can just put guest, also you don't have to put in your website either. Feedback is appreciated. It lets me know if anyone is reading.
Posted by
1:36 AM
Monday, July 14, 2008
I Want To Believe.
Posted by
1:48 AM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?
Posted by
9:34 PM
Different Decisions .
The decisions we make shape who we are. They "decide" which path we go down, what people we stick with, what place we live, and so on. But, if one of those past decisions were altered, if you had chosen a different one instead, where would your life be now? I found that I was asking myself that on my walk yesterday. That's probably the reason why I was thinking about paths in the first place. But, anyway, I started to wonder, what if I had decided this, what if I had decided that instead? Would all roads lead me to where I am anyway? Are we slaves to fate? Or do we have more power than we are willing to admit. I like to believe that my own choices, not fate's, lead me to where I am, but then again I like to believe in the power of fate, and that there's something big for me in the works that I don't know about. The way I think about fate is like thinking someone you've never met is going to knock on your front door and present you the keys to a brand new car, but I entertain the notion of it anyway. So of course my mind started to wander a little off track. I like to think that there's something far bigger than us all, because it lightens the seriousness people try to shove out on a daily basis. If we are so small in the grand scheme of things, you really should lighten up. Not that I'm trying to take away from the power that is life, instead I'm saying that if you focus on the serious aspect, you're worrying, and if you're worrying, you're not living, and you should be. I think you'll find that more living happens when it's not trying to be done.
I know I'm where I'm at for a reason, and I know that I helped shape it somewhat. But I also acknowledge fate's role in it. My decision might not have been ones on that grand of scale, but that will change in the future. I plan to work hard, and do the best I can to help as many people as I can. I know that life will keep up with me, and I'm not going to try to force "living", because it's just something that happens in the midst of everything else.
Posted by
11:00 AM
Friday, July 11, 2008
I just thought this would be an interesting thing to post.click here for the top 25 villains.
Posted by
12:37 PM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
New template for the page. I like it very much, I'm pretty partial to warm colors. Although I've never been to London, it's one of the first places I want to visit as soon as I get the means to travel. It's the only place I would even halfway consider living outside of the US. But I'm an American girl, I know where home is.
On another note, I'm up to my elbows in books. That's not a bad thing, but I believe my friend Becca is planning my demise, because she has been waiting for 2 books I'm reading for a while. I keep getting sidetracked with others.
The books in my pile (haha):
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Suskind
The Other Boleyn Girl by Phillipa Gregory
The Night of the Wolf by Alice Borchardt
The Wolf King (these are the 2 Becca needs) by Alice Borchardt
Picture Perfect by Jodi Picoult
The Crimson Petal and the White by Michel Faber
as a little side note, Alice Borchardt is Anne Rice's sister, if you didn't know.
Posted by
9:44 PM
Friday, June 20, 2008
200 Years Young
My town is turning 200. In technical terms it's our bicentennial. It's a pretty big deal here and everyone seems to be in the spirit of things. People are even walking around town in "period" dress. If someone that doesn't know whats going on came through town right now they would think we were all crazy, or like the people in M. Night Shymalan's The Village. I live fairly close to main street so I can hear all the festivities from my bedroom. I'm pretty glad I got to see this because I highly doubt I'll be around for the tricentennial. Then again, who knows with the way science is these days.
Posted by
2:22 PM
Saturday, June 07, 2008
For the lack of posts. I've been busy with assorted things. Hopefully I have new material to write about soon. haha.
Posted by
9:27 PM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
I'm home for the summer so there should be more posts than usual coming soon, at least I hope.
Posted by
10:12 AM
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Thoughts at 2 AM
So finals are over, and I survived, but just barely. So far I have 2 A's and 1 B. We'll have to wait and see what happens with the remaining 2. I'm sitting here in my gutted dorm room extremely tired and not looking forward to packing all of this stuff in the truck tomorrow and then having to unpack it when I get home. Blah, blah, sorry for all the complaining, I'm just tired and it seems like this week will never end. I'm going to miss be here at school, as much as I'm going to enjoy no homework or early morning classes, I'm still sad I'm going to be gone for 3 months. Those 3 months feel like they last forever. But I'm going to be happy to spend time with my family, even though I go home often, we don't spend much time together because everyone is so busy all the time. We're going to make up for lost time I guess. I'm really looking forward to next semester, I'm friends with all my roommates and my schedule is set up to where I don't have classes on Fridays. Go me.
On a different note, I watched the movie Wristcutters in intervals whilst cleaning today, and I really enjoyed it, the film is unique and is definitley worth watching, so there's the recommendation for the week I guess. Haha.
Posted by
11:01 PM
Monday, May 05, 2008
I'm Pretty Sure I'm In Hell
So it's finals week and I'm only one final in and I want to crawl in a hole and never see sunlight again. I'm worried, just really, really worried. I usually am, and I usually have no reason to be but that doesn't stop me from doing it. I'm studying and praying at the same time like I always do. I need to calm down but I can't. I do this every year and I've yet to learn that it doesn't help. I just wish that finals week was over, that I got all good grades and that I was sitting at home doing nothing, because that's all there is left to do. Instead, I'm sitting here in my dorm room up to my eyeballs in Abnormal Psych thinking about my biology final on Wednesday and worrying about my math final I took at 1 today. Like the title suggests, I'm pretty sure I'm in hell.
Posted by
3:51 PM
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Side Effects
I had to delete some of my postings to make this new (very amazing) template work. I am currently in the process of figuring out how to repost them so they should be back soon.
My John McCain post was one that had to be deleted so here's a link to his website. Join the campaign and help make history. I am.
Posted by
2:09 AM
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
So Very Tired
As the title of this post would suggest, I'm tired. It's nearing the end of the semester and the end of my sophomore year here in college, finals are looming, and my stress level is through the roof, but what else is new? I'm always terrified that what I'm doing is never good enough, and I don't know why I put this kind of pressure on myself. I have a really good GPA, I work hard, but there's always that fear in the back of my mind that something can and will go wrong.
On top of that I have a laundry list of things I want to do in the next year or so, and it seems like every time I try to do anything worth while, or anything that would warrant a change, it all falls apart. Like I've said before, I hope I'm due for something good to happen. I just want to study abroad, I don't think that's too much to ask. I tried to transfer colleges but, well, that was a catastrophe that obviously resulted in nothing that I wanted. I need to branch out, it feels like fate hates me. People keep telling me that if it were meant to happen it would, but that doesn't make me feel any better, because I want it to happen more than anything. One of my biggest fears is being stuck in the same place my entire life. I do not want that to happen, there's too much, to much to learn, see, and do, to be stationary.
Posted by
12:19 PM
Friday, March 14, 2008
3:30 AM
So, it's been a few weeks since my last post, since then some things worth going on about have happened. John McCain announced he is the official GOP candidate for the Presidential election, the obviousness of my previous statement is what caused me not to write an epic blog about it. Everyone already new, because he was so far ahead in the polls. Not that I'm not excited, believe you me I'm freakishly ecstatic, I just decided to spare you the redundancy of my telling you what you were plenty aware of. Well, that and the fact my blogger account decided to have a little meltdown on me and not let me open it right when it happened. That's probably the real reason, anyway. One of Hilary Clinton's campaign worker's stepped down, well, she pretty much had to after she made some questionable comments about Barack Obama's race and ability. Willie/Billy Cunningham of 700 WLW is pretty much in the same boat. He's let it die down, which is huge for him because he harps relentlessly. He was a speaker at John McCain's campaign in my birthplace, good ole' Cincinnati, Ohio. He said some things that let inclined John McCain to apologize for him and as a result, well, hell hath no fury like a wounded Willie. Again something I would have been very angry about at the time, but alas the blogger malfunction. Now it too is old news.
In more personal news, I got a pink blackberry pearl, and am currently obsessed with it. My friend Amber and I are going to try to cross the pond next spring to spend a semester abroad in the UK. Wish us luck. All of my other attempts at relocating, even for a little while, have failed so hopefully I'm due. I've been on spring break since last Friday and it's gone by so fast I honestly can't figure out where I put the time. I've done nothing too terribly exciting. No trips across the border for booze and table dancing, no Girls Gone Wild stints. Granted I don't really dance, drink, and I'm one of the most modest and moral people you'll ever come across, but I felt the need to use those colorful examples. I'm going to try to sleep now, which means I'll lie down for 10 minutes and then end up on myspace.
Goodnight for now.
Posted by
3:38 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I Am Not Amused
Posted by
2:36 AM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
In Recent News
Mitt Romney is endorsing John McCain, and Barack Obama is currently winning a ton of states and making Hilary Clinton nervous.
Posted by
9:52 PM
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
John McCain Update
John McCain has won Florida. Here is a link to tell you all about it.
Posted by
7:36 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Best Names
Ok, I know this is random and a bit strange, but I decided to make a list of the best names I've ever come across in tv, books, and everything else. I figured it was a little light hearted and not so serious, and just a good idea. It's an interesting list and I'm up for suggestions. If you know one you think should be on there tell me about it.
1. Invisigoth- The X-Files
2. Optimus Prime- Transformers
3. Edgler Forman Vess- Dean Koontz's Intensity
4. Hannibal Lecter - The Silence of the Lambs (book and movie)
5. Keyser Soze- The Usual Suspects
6. Draco Malfoy- J.K Rowling's Harry Potter Series
7. Bellatrix Lestrange- J.K Rowling's Harry Potter Series
8. Inigo Montoya- The Princess Bride
9. Lex Luthor- Superman
10. Sirius Black- J.K Rowling's Harry Potter Series
11. Luna Lovegood- J.K Rowling's Harry Potter Series
12. Fox Mulder- The X-Files
13. Kobayashi- The Usual Suspects
14. Aslan-The Chronicles of Narnia
15. Jack Sparrow- Pirates of the Caribbean
16. Cutler Beckett- Pirates of the Caribbean
17. Helena Bonham Carter- Actress
18. Edward Scissorhands-Edward Scissorhands
19. Humphrey Bogart- Actor
20. Lord Voldemort- J.K Rowling's Harry Potter Series
21. Han Solo- Star Wars
22. Artemis- Greek Mythology
23. Calypso- Greek Mythology
25. Ichabod Crane- Sleepy Hollow
26. Agamemnon- Greek Mythology/History/Literature
27. Cymbeline- Shakespearean Play
28. Commissioner Gordon- Batman
29. Rogue- X-Men
30. Christabel- Poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
31. Juno MacGuff- Juno
32. Vincent Price- Actor
33. William Wilberforce- Historical Figure (Amazing Grace)
34. Sir Winston Churchill- Former British Prime Minister
35. Franklin Delano Roosevelt- Former President of the US
36. Cornelius Fudge- JK Rowling's Harry Potter Series
37. Scooby Doo- Cartoon Character
38. Balthazar Getty- Actor
39. Moon Bloodgood- Actress
40. Conan O'Brien- Talk Show Host
Posted by
12:14 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Change His Stars
Heath Ledger passed away today at the young age of 28. Different people are going to remember him different ways. He's always going to be William Thatcher from A Knight's Tale to me. May he rest in peace.
"Well perhaps angels have no names, only beautiful faces." ~William Thatcher, A Knight's Tale
Posted by
2:09 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
John McCain Update
John McCain has won South Carolina. Click here to learn more about it.
Posted by
12:50 AM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
John McCain Update
Well, McCain lost in Michigan to Mitt Romney, but that's ok. There's still South Carolina. Here's a link to tell you more about it.
Posted by
2:16 AM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Be Back Soon
I return to school today so the posts will be slowing down. I'll still keep you updated, just not as much.
Posted by
2:20 AM
Friday, January 11, 2008
A Rundown
A lot has happened in the past few days. I found out just how uncomfortable my parents, my father in particularly, are about the prospect of me moving to Boston. It looks like I'm going to have to put the breaks on my plan. I'm not giving up moving into the city all together, in fact I'm giving up at all. Instead I came back with a counter offer of Chicago. It's in the midwest, it's closer than Boston, and it's cheaper because it's not on the East Coast. My dad didn't have a "meltdown" so that's looking like more of a possibility. I'm still going to live in Boston, and I assured my mom that I wasn't settling for something I didn't want. Although Boston in undoubtedly my favorite city do to it's history along with a few other things, Chicago has always been in the back of my mind. It's a city far enough away to where I doubt I'll know anyone, but it's close enough so if something happens my parents can get to me. It's strange how things work out, but I just can't move to a city so expensive and so far away, not with the way it makes my parents feel. I've never been that selfish. So I'm going to file the dream of living in Boston away, and it will happen when it's meant to. I know where I'm supposed to be and I'll get there one day, just not right now. So until then there's another great city, Chicago. I'm going to explore the possibilities with that.
Posted by
5:28 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
I Need An Easy Button
I go back to school on Sunday, my long winter break will finally be over. On Monday I start my new classes, and I will call Boston because their break ends then too. I can't help but be nervous that it won't work out. I really, really want it to and I hope everyday that it's not just some hopeless pipe dream that I have. I want bigger, not necessarily better, things that I can't get where I'm at. I know where I belong and I never imagined that it would be so hard just getting there. All I want to to is move to another state, not the moon, it shouldn't be this difficult. I can honestly say that I don't want for a lot, but this, in spite of my Three Wishes post, is something I want more than anything else. I just want to live in Boston, I don't think that's a lot to ask for but evidently I'm very wrong. I'm just flat sick of imagining what it will be like to live there. I just worry all the time, even though I KNOW that's where I'm supposed to be. I wish I had a Staples easy button.
Posted by
6:36 PM
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
John McCain Update
Ok, I'm going to try not to get too excited but, John McCain has won the New Hampshire primary for the GOP with 37%. Also in a shocking comeback Hilary Clinton beat out Barack Obama for the Democrats. Here's a link to tell you all about it.
Posted by
1:21 AM
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Three Wishes
If you were out walking in the woods one day and tripped over a lamp to find that a genie called it home, what would you wish for when it popped out and said it would grant you the three things you desire the most? Would you wish for material things? Physical perfection? True love? Or even the stereotypical "world peace"? Would you know immediately what to ask for or would you have to think about it for a few days? After you wished for it do you think you regret it? Do you think that you would anger the genie by wishing for the only wish that is off limits, more wishes? I suppose that seems like a lot of questions to answer, but in reality it's just one; if you had three wishes what would you wish for? I often mull this over in my mind. If I had the opportunity to wish for anything I wanted three times I really have no idea what I would wish for. Every time I think I do I weigh the pros and cons and think of what could go wrong. Genies are always portrayed as tricksters that take wishes literally instead of what they know you really mean. Like the episode of The X-Files that I saw where Mulder wished for, you guessed it, world peace and the Gen got rid of every human on the planet except for him because that is the only way it would be possible. The wish that I always go back to is bringing my grandma back to life. Having her back is the thing that I want the most, but I wonder what would happen if I tinkered with fate like that. I wonder if she would even want to come back to earth after being in a place like heaven. I don't know if I could be so selfish as to take her out of paradise because I miss her so much I can't stand it sometimes. There are also times where I think I'll wish to be successful, to be the best FBI agent or writer that ever existed, then I realize that defeats the purpose of living. If you already know you're going to be the best what is the point of even trying? The third and final thing that I think I'd wish for is love. The kind of love you see fictionalized and get mad at because you don't think it's real, that it's really false advertising. That's no good either. Love isn't something to wish for, it's something that happens on it's own that no one has the ability to control, except maybe Aphrodite but I don't think she's very good at it either. Love is a spontaneous emotion that just is and therefore can't be wished because then it's pointless, and you'll have to wonder your entire life, "If it wasn't for the wish would this person still love me?" I guess what I'm trying to say is that if I ever just so happened to come across a Genie (or Gen) I wouldn't wish for anything. I think that's their purpose, to teach people that they shouldn't want for anything. That life is about not knowing and having to work for what we want the most, and that sometimes the things we covet are the things we're not supposed to have. If you already know the lesson then you're going to save yourself a lot of agony. Then again, maybe I'm wrong, who knows? I guess we'll all just have to wait for someone to find themselves a Genie.
Posted by
1:02 AM
Monday, January 07, 2008
John McCain Update
He is leading the GOP polls and the only thing in his way is Obama. I'm praying harder than I've ever prayed in my life that the people in New Hampshire know true presidential material when they see it. Here is a video on the poll results as of now. I'm working hard to spread the word in my corner of the world Senator, good luck!
Posted by
1:58 AM
Sunday, January 06, 2008
New Ending
"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."~ Maria Robinson
Posted by
8:03 PM
Saturday, January 05, 2008
A Sound Of Thunder
So it's 6:30 (that's a.m by the way) and I have yet to go to sleep. I've been lying in bed wondering, of all the things to wonder about, what would life be like in "my" house had I never been born? On a smaller level, I know that would make Joey the oldest and Chase would still be the youngest, but not 3rd in the order. I know that would mean that Joey had the biggest room in the house and more responsibility. I also know that they would be really bored with no big sister to pick on. Going deeper, I wonder if my family would live in the same house, or even the same town had I never been born. The first year of my life I lived in two totally different places. It was the arrival of my brother and the fact that we were growing up that caused my parents to move out of the city into the country. I wonder if they would feel like something was missing in their lives or if they would feel like everything is whole, that nothing is gone. On an even bigger level I guess that would also mean that the world would be different as well. No, I'm not arrogant nor do I think I'm this epic human being (yet, haha), but I believe the non-arrival of someone would make a difference, be it big or small, there would be one. Like in A Sound of Thunder when the butterfly dies and it alters the course of history and the world forever. Something as small as a butterfly changed everything. I guess my insomnia riddled mind is over-worked but it made sense in my head, whether it does or not on this screen is another matter. But I guess it's something to think on; what would your own small world and the world at large be like with out your presence in it? Do you think it would be better, worse or indifferent? I personally don't know what it would be like, and I never want to find out.
Posted by
3:35 AM
Friday, January 04, 2008
Sometimes when the wind picks up
And scatters the dust off the ground
I think I can hear the sound
Of the truth, the way it’s meant to be
The way that Atticus told me
But the music comes and goes
And leaves me all alone
It’s been so long since I’ve heard
It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird
The leaves tumble by
The trees stand in their beautiful lie
You would never know the secrets they keep
It’s just enough to fool the weak
I can’t help but to realize, to see
How things pretend to be happy
We’ve all grown older now
But still the same
I don’t want to know how
To play this game
Sometimes when the wind picks up
And scatters the dust off the ground
I think I can hear the sound
Of the truth, the way it’s meant to be
The way that Atticus told me
But the music comes and goes
And leaves me all alone
It’s been so long since I’ve heard
It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird
To make you realize how far you are behind
Lesson heard but never learned
An entire town gets burned
Foolish girl you tell a lie
I dare you to say it to the sky
And when justice comes
And you know it will
Are you going to be lying still
And scatters the dust off the ground
I think I can hear the sound
Of the truth, the way it’s meant to be
The way that Atticus told me
But the music comes and goes
And leaves me all alone
It’s been so long since I’ve heard
It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird
It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird
All of my poems/songs are really copyrighted so DO NOT steal them I will find you.
Posted by
1:30 AM
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Well, I made it through finals obviously with my 3.6 GPA intact. I now have about a week left until I go back to start my fourth semester of college. I need to call Boston and see what's going on with that. Hopefully everything will work out and I can stop harping on it and just be there. If I do I will start posting mass amounts of pictures on this blog and probably will anyway. I'm supposed to be getting a digital camera so you've been warned. I really want to live in Boston, I'm ready for the city and ready to get out on my own for real. I'm not even worried about being able to make it, at least I have the courage to do it, that's how I'm looking at it. I know where I belong...anyway, there I go harping on it again. Obsessions are never healthy, unless they're with vegetables. I'm still not sleeping and that's something I'm going to have to work on because it's really starting to catch up with me. One of my friends asked me, "How do you even function?" my answer, "Sheer willpower." Ha. I actually have four book ideas bouncing around inside my head and I'm making progress despite a couple instances of writers block. I hope to get published, it would be amazing to see New York Times Bestseller on top of something I wrote, but I suppose I'm getting a little ahead of myself considering I'm just hoping I can even finish them. Hopefully I can. I've even told friends instead of keeping it to myself so they can ask me about it and I can't just put it away and forget about it. My next semester isn't as crazy as this past one so I should have so time to do the things that I enjoy like my blog and my writing.
P.S I will have more poems/songs posted shortly. I've copyrighted them I just have to post them :]
Posted by
12:50 PM
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
According to my friends, I have Foamy rants. This isn't a rant per say but it's funny none the less. Even if the British squirrel calls us "Yanks" and says we all have pill popping problems, which isn't true, but haha anyway.
Posted by
1:58 AM
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy New Year!!!
2008? I'm still stuck in 2004.
Anyway my New Year's Resolutions and plans in no particular order:
1. Finish book(s)
2. Compile my poetry
3. Keep up my GPA
4. Get John McCain elected President
5. Sleep!
6. Move to Boston
7. Banish Stress
8. Study abroad in Ireland
9. Visit Grammie
10. Save more money
Here's to looking at 2008, may everyone's resolutions come true.
Posted by
1:17 PM