Friday, October 13, 2006

The Maverick In Me

I am a CR and CR stands for College Republican, but I'm having a bit of an issue with the signs my fellow members have put up on campus. They pretty much say: Join if you are tired of positive views on gay marriage and abortion. I want to punch the people that did it. I understand that those are two big issues in politics and I also understand were the Republicans stand on them but I don't agree. Like I've mentioned I'm a Maverick Republican and I have no issues with gay marriage. In my opinion they are not hurting anyone and if they want to get married they should be allowed to. It's not up to us to judge them if it's wrong they'll find out when they meet their maker. I also think it's insulting to the gay people on campus. It has to hurt them to see that in the place they attend school and I think people should have a little more respect for others feelings. I have mixed feelings about abortion: do I think it should be used as a form of birthcontrol? No. Do I think it's ok in the case of rape or if the mother's life is in danger? Yes. I have often been questioned about my political stance. People think that you have to be all or nothing when that is not true at all. I do agree more with the Republican side but there are things like the ones I have just mentioned that I don't agree with. All in all I support President Bush, you can disagree about somethings and still support someone, and I want John McCain to be President in 2008. I'm a Republican, a very strange one, but still a Republican. They need to change those stupid signs. If I've made someone angry good, it means you care about something.