Recently it seems that every girl I went to high school with is either, in a serious relationship, engaged, or married, and I just graduated in '06. I can't help but feel a little left out. Like maybe there is some secret meeting or club that I'm never invited to. It's very strange to see everyone that I've known pretty much all my life change so quickly. Meanwhile, I'm at school pursuing my education, thinking about law school, and contemplating transferring to Boston, Mass. I know that I'm not doing the wrong thing, in fact I'm doing the right thing by furthering my education and whatnot, I just feel that somehow, somewhere along the way I didn't pick up that valuable piece of information everyone else seems to be so well read on. I've been so headstrong about my future I've paid absolutely no attention to the present and I believe I am paying for that now. I know there is no way to make up for lost time but maybe I can make the rest of my years worthwhile. I'm only 20, I hope I have the time that suggests. It's not that I want to be married at this age, I'm just wondering if I skipped the part where I was told it was a requirement. As for the relationship thing, I'll probably be the old lady at the end of the street with 57 cats all named Bob. But they say that good things come to those who wait, I guess I'll keep on waiting.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
20 Things
Idea from Maria.
1. I am a Republican (okay I've mentioned that, but I don't think I've mentioned I'm a maverick Republican)
2. I don't hate math, it hates me. Well, actually I hate it too.
3. I read about 5 books a week along with an assortment of articles, poems, and short stories.
4. My favorite type of book is historical fiction.
5. I thought about being a History teacher for about 3 seconds then realized I didn't have the patience for it.
6. When I walk into a library I immediately feel like I belong.
7. I'm extremely proud of my heritage.
8. I am a walking encyclopedia for movies. When my friends have a question about one they ask me.
9. I am very well educated on Greek, Roman, and Norse Mythology.
10. When I was in 5th grade one of my poems was published in a book. It was the worst poem I have ever written.
11. My favorite artists are Vincent Van Gogh and Johannes Vermeer, and Andy Warhol.
12. Before I wanted to be involved in the justice system I wanted to be an Archaeologist.
13. I hate little boats.
14. I can cuss in Italian thanks to my Uncle Louie.
15. My favorite actor is Kevin Spacey. The man is talented.
16. My favorite T.V shows are House, Law & Order CI, Monk, Nancy Grace, Anderson Cooper 360, Forensic Files, Man vs. Wild, Ghost Hunters, and The Soup.
17. I have two tattoos, one on the back of my left ankle and one around my right ankle.
18. My middle name is Charity, my mother's middle name is Faith, and my grandmother's middle name is Hope.
19. I collect black and white pictures and rosaries.
20. I believe in ghosts, but only if Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson say they are real.
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5:26 PM