I have officially been prescribed Ambien after I had 2 doctors spend a week trying to figure out whether it should be that or Lunesta. I just want to sleep hopefully now I can and I won't have to be on this medication for long term.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I sit here and wonder why my phone doesn’t ring
Why do you only call when you need me for something?
You just take what you can get and then disappear
I think this is something you need to hear
You underestimated me you’re really the fool
I can replace you so easily
Because there is no one else like me
All of my poems/songs are really copyrighted so DO NOT steal them I will find you.
Posted by
12:14 AM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
All Quiet On The Midwestern Front
There hasn't been a whole lot going on in my life lately...to be honest it's been downright boring. The extent of the happenings I have been writing about, not sleeping, Boston, etc. By the way I think I forgot to mention that I'm not leaving for Boston until the start of my junior year in college. It's not as soon as I would like it to be but at least it seems like it's going to happen. Other than that it's been pretty event less. Man I need to take up an extreme sport or jump off things or something so I'm a little more exciting.
Posted by
12:36 AM
Monday, June 11, 2007
Good Grief
I still have not heard back from my doctor so I have no idea why I can't sleep. My insomnia has caused me to remember a quote from Fight Club, "With insomnia you're never really asleep and you're never really awake." Well that's true until your doctor drugs your ass, or attempts to anyway. Obviously it hasn't kicked in yet because it's 4 in the morning and I'm, you guessed it, AWAKE. I don't think that it's too much to ask to be able to sleep but evidently it is. I hoping that when I hear back from her, which better be tomorrow, I'll find out what exactly is wrong with me and I'll be able to fix it. Now to quote Jaws, "I can't take this abuse much longer."
Posted by
4:05 AM
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Well it's no secret that I have wicked bad insomnia and get about 2 hours of sleep a night. Hopefully that will be a thing of the past after tomorrow (when I say tomorrow I actually mean in about 6 hours because it's fairly early in the morning but it's not "tomorrow" to me until the sun comes up) because I have a doctor's appointment to help me rid myself of this very exhausting condition. The believe it is my thyroid of all things which I think is crazy because I'm only 19 years old. But I am at the point now that as long as it's not leprosy and it's curable I don't care what's keeping me awake. As long as they know what it is and they can fix it I'll be happy. I just want an answer and a solution because all this sleeplessness is starting to catch up with me. Plus I'm not so fond of the dark circles under my eyes. My mom says she can't see them but they are there I tell you!!! My sleeplessness is the reason why I started this blog in the first place, to have something to occupy myself when I'm awake at 5 in the morning with nothing to do. I have always been nocturnal, a night owl so to speak, and I don't mind staying up until 2 or 3 in the morning but I draw the line at 7 and 8 which is what I have been staying up to. Even though I'm young I really can't take it any more. It's starting to affect me in bad ways. I can't remember things, I'm exhausted, I have zero energy. I highly doubt I'm much fun to be around but that should all be over after tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed. :)
Posted by
3:12 AM